Life begins when you start something
Mr. & Mrs Chege, both retired bankers, brought up, in their home, several orphans and needy children together with their four children. They retired from employment, and into full-time ministry, as volunteers in service of the Most High God. They have four children who also assist in this work. The Home was officially opened on 16th April 2000 with Mr. & Mrs Chege as the Directors of the Home. Mr. & Mrs Chege run the Home as full-time volunteers, assisted by 12 staff members and trustee members.
Formerly an employee of Bank of Baroda. All fondly remember him as "Dad". A father to the many who passed through New Hope, who otherwise would never have an opportunity to call anyone "Dad".
Founder & Director
Anne is a retired banker, having worked with Barclays Kenya for almost three decades before starting New Hope in 2000. Anne says, "God has given this generation the capacity to remove and prevent all needless suffering - by putting within our reach the resources needed to protect children from the most common diseases, to provide them with the necessities of food, shelter, clothing, and health care. But what is lacking has been the vision and the moral will towards this challenge."